Planning Board Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2008
1196 Main Street Town Hall
Members Present: R. Ricker, D. Lindberg, C. Prager, O. Lies, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio
Members Absent: C. Stanovich
Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner
7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.
MODEL WINDMILL BY-LAW: The Board reviewed and discussed a Model Zoning Ordinance or By-law prepared by the Massachusetts Division of Energy Resources, Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. There have been resident inquiries regarding the use of wind turbines to service single family homes. O. Lies stated the Dept. of Agriculture classified windmills as an agricultural use, and should be looked into if this has any affect on zoning. P. Harding consulted Town Counsel on this but the classification could not be found. The Board would like to see what the single turbines look like prior to creating regulations. It was suggested that P. Harding contact the Superintendent of the Princeton Light Department to obtain additional information.
• 80 HARRIS ST: The applicant is creating a lot in an R-1 zoning district. The lot currently consists of 13 acres, and the applicant is proposing to create one buildable lot. W. Ritter voted the plan was entitled to endorsement, R. Ricker seconded, all in favor.
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS - 129 NOLA DR: The applicant is applying for a variance from area requirements in an R-2 zoning district. The applicant owns two abutting 15,000 square foot lots, one of which contains a house. Because ownership of a lot was not transferred, or a building permit was not applied for within five years from the date of the zone change, the lots are considered combined and must meet the 30,000 square foot area requirement.
• January 22, 2008: C. Prager motioned to approve. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor, approved.
• February 26, 2008: C. Prager motioned to approve. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor, approved.
• March 11, 2008: C. Prager motioned to approve. A. Bonofiglio seconded. R. Ricker abstained. Vote 6-0, approved.
• March 25, 2008: C. Prager motioned to approve. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor, approved.
• NEXT MEETING: May 13, 2008, at 7:30 PM at the Memorial Town Hall. Deer Run Subdivision Extension of Time will be on the agenda.
W. Ritter motioned to adjourn. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 8:15 PM.
April 22, 2008 minutes approved: June 24, 2008
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary